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Roch GLITHORoch Glitho, Adjunct Professor at Telecom SudParis and Associate Professor at Concordia University, Canada

 Roch Glitho [SM] holds a PhD (Tekn. Dr.) in tele-informatics (Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden), and M.Sc. degrees in business economics (University of Grenoble, France), pure mathematics (University of Geneva, Switzerland), and computer science (University of Geneva). He is an Associate Professor of Networking and Telecommunications at the Concordia Institute of Information Systems Engineering (Concordia University, Canada) where he holds a Canada Research Chair in End-User Services Engineering for Communications Networks and leads the Telecommunications Service Engineering Laboratory. He is also an adjunct professor at the department of Computer Technology, University of Milan, Italy, and at the Institut de Mathématiques et Sciences Physiques (IMSP), University of Abomey-Calavi, Republic of Benin. In the past he has worked in industry for almost 25 years and has held several senior technical positions at LM Ericsson in Sweden and Canada (e.g. expert, principal engineer, senior specialist). His industrial experience includes research, international standards setting (e.g. contributions to ITU-T, ETSI, TMF, ANSI, TIA, and 3GPP), product management, project management, systems engineering and software/firmware design. He is a member of several editorial boards including IEEE Network and IEEE Communications Surveys and Tutorials. In the past he has served as IEEE Communications Society distinguished lecturer, Editor-In-Chief of IEEE Communications Magazine and Editor-In-Chief of IEEE Communications Surveys & Tutorials. His research areas include architectures for end-users services, distributed systems, non-conventional networking and networking technologies for emerging economies. In these areas, he has authored more than 100 peer-reviewed papers, more than 30 of which have been published in refereed journals. He also holds 24 patents and has several pending applications.




Concordia Institute for Information

Systems Engineering (CIISE), Concordia University

1515  St Catherine Street West

Montreal, Quebec Canada H3G 2W1


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